Follow Along

Julie and Rainy will be criss-crossing the United States on an epicly amazing roadtrip adventure! We will cover a total of about 10,000 miles. We are trying to create the most authentic roadtrip experience possible. An experience that is certainly going by the wayside with the ever-rising cost of gas and the 'need' to get to one's destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. For us, the journey will be as much of an experience as the destination(s). We will only consult paper maps and guidebooks (screw GPS!) and will avoid chains like the plague! There will be no Motel 6 or Mickey D's for us. Only kitschy roadside diner's, authentic regional cuisine, camping, hostelling, and the occasional sketchy $29.99 local motel. We will be sticking to so called 'Blue Highways' and scenic byways. 'Real America' doesn't exist on the interstate!!!

Follow our blog to experience the journey first hand (well, second hand)!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Planning Route 66

Last night I was reading the section on traveling through Oklahoma in "Road Trip USA". The author recommended reading "Oklahome Route 66" by Jim Ross because Oklahoma has the longest and most intact stretches of old Route 66, and this book makes it much easier to explore. So, this morning I got on to look for the book. There were 4 used books running from $45 to $999! No way! Next I googled the book and author, went to his website and ordered the book for $15.95, including shipping! Perkaps when we are traveling through Arcadia, OK we can find Mr. Ross and get his autograph, then my book will be valuable. Geez. I look forward to getting the book.

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